Nutrition and Dieting

2010-09-02 / Health News / No Comment

Moderate Coffee Consumption Improves Aortic Distensibility in Hypertensive Elderly Individuals, Study Finds

ScienceDaily (Aug. 31, 2010) — A detailed study conducted by a team from the University of Athens on the Aegean island of Ikaria has demonstrated that moderate consumption of coffee by hypertensive elderly individuals can lead to improvements in aortic distensibility, according to a presentation at the European Society of Cardiology’s Congress 2010 in Stockholm.

Distensibility is a measure of the elasticity of arteries, and low levels have long been recognised as an indicator of atherosclerosis and a reliable predictor of future cardiovascular events. By increasing the load on the heart, hypertension leads to vascular changes and neuro-hormonal activation which causes increases in vascular stiffness and reduced elasticity.

Between June and October 2009, researchers from the University of Athens conducted a health and nutrition survey using a target group of 343 men and 330 women aged between 65 and 100 — all of whom were long-term residents of Ikaria. The island was selected because of its population’s high life expectancy, with an above-average proportion of residents over 90 years of age. Consideration was given to a wide range of socio-demographic, bio-clinical, lifestyle and dietary characteristics related to cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, obesity and anthropometric indices. Physical activity status and biochemical parameters related to cardiovascular risk were also evaluated.

Coffee consumption was particularly measured during the initial phase of the study because it is a deeply embedded social tradition within the Greek population, and also because of conflicting evidence of its impact on cardiovascular health. Doctor Christina Chrysohoou, the study coordinator, noted, “As far as the effect of coffee on hypertension is concerned, the pressor response to caffeine seems to be more pronounced in hypertensive or hypertension-prone subjects than in normo-tensive ones. For this reason, our study became focused on a sub-group of some 235 hypertensive subjects, and we measured the impact of daily coffee consumption using echocardiographic indices of aortic distensibility.”

To be classified within this sub-group of 235 individuals, subjects had to meet certain criteria that included a known history of hypertension, that they were under dietary or medical treatment, or that they had average blood-pressure levels above the upper limit of the normal range. Aortic distensibility for each of these 235 residents was calculated non-invasively by an established mathematical equation using the echocardiographic measurements of systolic and diastolic diameters of aortic root. Dietary habits were evaluated using a special, repeatable, semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire that had been previously validated by experts within the University of Athens in collaboration with the Nutrition Science and Dietetics Department of Harokopio University.

The analysis conclusively illustrates the beneficial effects on aortic distensibility of moderate coffee consumption. The research attributes this to the polyphenolic compounds found in coffee, especially traditional Greek blends that are high in diterpenes such as cafestol and kahweol. The effect of chlorogenic acid is reported to be associated with nitric oxide, as caffeic and ferulic acids appear to improve vascular function by reducing oxidation and enhancing the bio-availability of nitric oxide. Moreover, other micronutrients, including flavonoids, magnesium, potassium, niacin and vitamin E, contribute to the observed health effects of coffee consumption, mainly because of their anti-oxidant properties. However, in hypertensive patients the balance between nitric oxide and superoxide production is already damaged, so the impact of the beneficial compounds present in coffee is possibly not strong enough to offer a protective effect through increased consumption.

Doctor Chrysohoou summarises the findings, “The study revealed that moderate coffee consumption (between one and two cups per day) is associated with higher values of aortic distensibility when compared with other hypertensive elderly individuals taking less quantities of coffee. Adjustments were made for various factors such as age, gender, physical activity status, creatinine levels, BMI and diabetes mellitus. There was also evidence that moderate coffee consumption leads to reduced cardiovascular disease, lower prevalence of diabetes and hyperlipidaemia, lower body mass index, better renal functions and higher creatinine clearance levels. There was no evidence, however, that increasing coffee consumption to three to five cups per day would lead to further improvements in aortic distensibility.”

Disgusting Conditions At Egg Farms Linked To Salmonella Outbreak

Inspections of Wright County Egg and Hillandale Farms revealed horrendous hygiene conditions, with huge chicken manure heaps, live rodents, and wild birds within the hen houses of two farms. Conditions have been described as disgusting, stomach churning, repulsive, and shocking. The inspections were called after a nationwide recall of 500 million eggs suspected of being contaminated with Salmonella enteritidis.

Salmonella infection, or salmonellosis, is a bacterial disease of the intestinal tract. Salmonella is a group of bacteria that cause typhoid fever, food poisoning, gastroenteritis, enteric fever and other illnesses. People become infected mostly through contaminated water or foods, especially meat, poultry and eggs. Salmonella is a gram-negative, rod-shaped bacilli that can cause diarrheal illness in humans. Put simply – Salmonella is a bacterium shaped like a rod with a cell wall composed of peptidoglycan. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), over 1,400 individuals have become ill with salmonellosis as a result of eating contaminated eggs. The CDC adds that this is the largest salmonellosis outbreak in the USA since the early 1970s.

The federal inspectors say they have identified several “unhealthy” conditions which may have contributed towards egg contamination in the Iowa farms. Apart from piles of manure, etc. in the hen houses, they also found dead maggots and live flies “crunched under foot” (Washington Post), the newspaper also reports on the FDA describing the hen houses as “bulging with manure”.

Inspectors commented on holes and gaps in the structures, which allowed pests and vermin to enter the hen houses. Live rodents were frequently observed in the hen houses.

The initial FDA inspection found:

  • 8-foot high chicken manure piles
  • Caged chickens having contact with uncaged ones that had walked around on the manure piles
  • Dead maggots, live flies, and dead flies. So many of them that it was impossible to make a count.
  • Live rodents inside the hen houses
  • Pigeons and other wild birds, and their feathers in the hen houses
  • Rodent holes which had remained unsealed
  • The sheer weight of manure piles pushing open outside pit doors
  • What seemed to be “liquid manure” seeping through a concrete foundation

The inspectors said that neither Wright Country Egg nor Hillandale Farms followed their bio-security plans, designed to reduce the transmission of pathogens (nasty organisms that cause disease). Wright County egg staff did not wear or change protective clothing when moving from one production house to another.

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Back Pain Treatment News

2010-08-26 / Health News / 1 Comment

California Disc Institute States “There Are Better Choices Than Back Surgery”

Millions of Americans across the country will experience a potentially debilitating low back or neck injury over the next 12 months. The unfortunate news is that many of those people will suffer from their injury as long as they live- due to misleading, improper and inadequate medical and chiropractic care. However, if you obtain such an injury, there is still hope. Recent advances in back and neck pain treatment have provided an option for people looking for a non-surgical, and painless way to take care of their condition. At the California Disc Institute (CDI) in Rancho Bernardo, Dr. Montes M.D., Dr. Kancilia-Physical Medicine Director, and a team of specialists have designed a proven program using their new medical technology and procedures, known as” Medical Decompression Procedure”, to successfully treat patients and rid them of their neck and back pains, and spinal related conditions.

This new medical protocol and advancement can be held accountable for saving thousands from having to get unnecessary traditional back surgery. Medical decompression procedure could just quite be the answer to countless cases of low back and neck pain. With the amount of people that suffer from low back injuries and pain or numbness radiating down the legs, this new treatment is guaranteed to help a lot of people get out of pain. Before traditional back or neck surgery is considered, this new type of proven treatment program, that’s available at the CDI, should seriously be considered.

Patient M.D says; “Before my treatments I could not raise my right arm above my shoulder, could not hold it out to my side without discomfort. Could barely lift my right leg up or drive a car. I liked the fact they had a well rounded program, I think that made me get better.”

Medical decompression procedure is more effective, than traditional therapy, chiropractic, epidurals, or medication alone and completely pain-free. Most patients describe their experience as relaxing and painless, as stretching a muscle. It can be performed on a lunch hour since there is no down time or anesthesia. Each session of the proven customized program includes several medical procedures that when used in combination provide the patient with maximum recovery and benefit. Many health insurances companies cover the majority of treatment up to 100%.

Keep in mind that many patients experience substantial, immediate relief of their symptoms after just the first treatments. The best part about all of this is that it is not something patients have to continue for the remainder of their lives! So, it’s not a huge commitment, in time and money but rather just about making a smart choice.

According to the doctors at CDI medical decompression promotes the return of fluid, blood, water, and nutrients back into the disc. Also the muscles guarding the injured area are able to relax reduced inflammation and repair back to normal. When that occurs, the discs and muscle function is restored which alleviates the neck, low back and leg pain.

Patient DD- states” After completing the program that was tailored to my condition, I was 100% pain free! I would highly recommend the program they offer”.

According to Health Issues Today-Back pain is one of the most prevalent conditions in America. It is estimated that at any one time over thirty million Americans are suffering from back pain. In the general work force population half of those employed will complain of back problems during the average year. Back problems are so common that at any given time you can take the average American over eighteen years old and you will find that half of them have had some problem with their backs in the last five years. 90% of Americans will have back pain at some point in their lives. Estimates are that these back pains cost the country fifty billion dollars yearly in missed work and medical costs since it is believed that nearly forty percent of all employee sick days are caused by back pain.

The CDI’s teams of specialists are working together to provide patients with the advanced back pain treatment program through the use of medical decompression program. Their back pain relief program will probably be the last treatment you will ever need. Sciatica, herniated and bulging discs, back pain, arthritis, spinal stenosis, failed back surgery, headaches, neck pain, numbness and tingling, and degenerative disc disease are all candidates for this new state of the art back pain treatment technology. The revolutionary treatment methods at CDI have patients canceling their surgeries and living life to the fullest, all while being pain free.

Since countless amounts of back-pain sufferers take pain killers for years on end and eventually resort to surgery, the CDI was the first facility to introduce the new FDA approved back-pain treatment technology to the Rancho Bernardo area. Medical decompression has had an outstanding success rate, with over 86% + of patients recovering from some of the worst back injury cases such as disc herniation, spinal stenosis, neck pain, disc degeneration, pinched nerves, headaches, and disc bulging. It is everything one could wish to experience when wanting to rid them selves of torturous neck and back pain and return to their normal pain-free lifestyle.

In addition to the medical decompression proven medical procedures, small muscle injections may also be performed for maximum results and a quicker recovery. Once the proven treatment program is completed, patients no longer experience severe pain like before.

In Rancho Bernardo, CDI has successfully treated numerous cases of back and neck pain. They continue to stay informed on the latest medical treatments available and strive on providing patients with the most advanced minimally invasive medical treatment available.

Each patient and their condition are different. To see if you qualify for this treatment program, you will need to go through a personalized consultation with a doctor who specializes in this form of treatment. Upon completion of the free consultation (limited appointments available), you will know if you are a candidate, for this proven program, how much treatment is recommended for your condition and the verification of your insurance coverage or low interest free financing options, that are available.

To get in contact with the CDI and schedule an appointment for an evaluation, please call our office in Rancho Bernardo directly at (858)-345-4887. The offer is limited so call now or visit to review the 5 phases of our proven treatment program, and get ready to experience a pain free life again.

Treatment of perceived pain after cosmetic procedures begins from within

NEW YORK — Psychosomatic pain is a real issue, and it is reaching epidemic proportions in our modern age. Managing the pain is much more complicated than prescribing a pain pill; it requires educating patients about the connection between body and mind, as well as integrating this concept into consistent, structured therapy for the patient.

“I believe that the psychological component of disease is underappreciated and largely neglected here in the U.S. Though there are some gray areas that are not yet completely understood, the mind plays a large role in the development of many medical conditions, including pain syndromes,” says Roy Stern Seidenberg, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, and director of Central Park Dermatology, Manhattan, N.Y.

“Most physicians would agree that stress can exacerbate physical symptoms, but not actually initiate them. However, one does not have to look further than the placebo effect regularly seen in clinical trials and everyday medical practice. Watching a young man with tattoos pass out from a simple skin biopsy is witness to the power the mind has over the body,” says Dr. Seidenberg, who also teaches at the Manhattan VA Hospital.

European countries are very much attuned to the potential of the mind-body connection. In Paris, for example, a clinic led by psychoanalysts (L’Institut de Psychosomatique Pierre Marty) is a tertiary referral center for patients deemed to have psychosomatic illnesses. Germany has residency programs with board certification in psychosomatic medicine. In contrast, the concepts of psychosomatic medicine are often not taught in medical schools in the United States, and thus the root of patients’ symptoms is overlooked. This may be due in part to profound differences in healthcare, medical-legal issues and societal beliefs.

In his lecture “Psychosomatic Dermatology,” given at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology, Dr. Seidenberg highlighted the case of a patient who had psychosomatic illnesses that she attributed to a simple cosmetic procedure.

“I start with this particular case,” Dr. Seidenberg said during his lecture, “so plastic surgeons and dermatologists realize that these concepts are important for their cosmetic patients as well as medical patients.” In another well-known case, a famous dermatologist was sued by his patient after she developed chronic muscle pain, fever and hives for up to a year after a Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA, Allergan) treatment (February 2003, Los Angeles County Superior Court; Irena Medavoy v. Arnold Klein, M.D. and Allergan, Inc.).

THE MIND–BODY CONNECTION Psychosomatic medicine is based on the concept that the unconscious mind and the body are interconnected. Psychosomatic disorders are thought to be created by the unconscious as a defense mechanism to prevent undesirable emotions from coming to consciousness.

Oftentimes, these disorders first appear through a false trigger — the unconscious will initiate a psychosomatic disorder at the occurrence of a particular event, thus providing circumstantial evidence for the conscious mind. Ubiquitous across all specialties in medicine, psychosomatic disorders can encompass everything from migraines, carpal tunnel syndrome, allergies and back pain to many other conditions and diseases (both cutaneous and internal). Dr. Seidenberg says he learned these concepts from his mentor, John E. Sarno, M.D., who has used the concept of “cognitive cure” to heal tens of thousands of patients with chronic pain syndromes and/or medical diseases. “The unconscious mind can initiate real physical changes, causing real physical disease, which can be verified on clinical and microscopic examinations, such as adult acne, eczema or urticaria. Psoriasis or alopecia areata can often first appear in patients soon after a psychological trauma such as a death in the family,” Dr. Seidenberg says.

POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS The two main parts of treating psychosomatic pain after a cosmetic procedure are careful patient selection, and teaching and implementing the following cognitive treatment.

When seeing cosmetic patients, Dr. Seidenberg says he first tries to determine whether the patient has any history of psychosomatic conditions. “I get a sense of my patients’ ‘psychosomatic signal’ even before I see them by inquiring about the presence of other psychosomatic disorders on my patient intake form,” he says.

Should a patient reveal a fair amount of psychosomatic-related illnesses upon first presentation (chronic fatigue, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and migraines), Dr. Seidenberg exercises caution because of the increased likelihood of psychosomatic-related complaints. According to Dr. Seidenberg, such patients seem more likely to have pain after a cosmetic or surgical procedure, and he notes that other factors — such as cultural or genetic — may also be playing a role.

“If a patient has had some of these conditions, I would put off a cosmetic procedure, or at least until I got to know them better,” he says. “I realize, of course, that if a physician doesn’t believe in psychosomatic medicine, then she/he won’t consider the above conditions to be psychosomatic.”

According to Dr. Seidenberg, establishing whether the patient is open to the connection of mind and body is the first step of treatment. This can be ascertained by taking a thorough history that includes specific questioning presented on an intake form (for example, “How do you rate the connection between the mind and the body?”). The next step is educating the patient in this regard and offering guidance.

“I often hand out a ‘prescription’ with a list of Dr. Sarno’s books. Ironically, I’ve cured more back pain than psoriasis (this way),” he says, adding that the books can help with teaching patients how to reflect and address deep-seated, or sometimes obvious, unresolved issues. If improvement reaches a roadblock, psychotherapy can be very enlightening.

Addressing the root cause of physical pain and other conditions generated from the mind may appear to be a daunting task. Simply turning to pharmacology to treat pain and other disorders, however, is a temporary solution at best and masks the true etiology of disease.

Dr. Seidenberg offers two psychosomatic pearls: “It’s important that the patient knows that their physician believes their pain or symptoms are real. Also, the patient needs to understand that they don’t have to get rid of ‘stress,’ which is impractical; they just have to understand the mind-body connection,” he says.

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Weight Loss & Diabetes News

2010-08-24 / Health News / No Comment

Fibre Could Help Weight Loss And Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes UK is funding new research to determine if fermentable carbohydrates found in foods like asparagus, garlic, chicory and Jerusalem artichokes could be used to help weight loss and prevent Type 2 diabetes.

The charity is funding dietitian Nicola Guess at Imperial College, London, to investigate the role fermentable carbohydrates could play in Type 2 diabetes prevention. The carbohydrate will be given to participants as a daily supplement during three periods of investigation, each examining different mechanisms involved in the prevention of Type 2 diabetes.

Sustained weight loss can delay and even prevent Type 2 diabetes and recent research has suggested that certain foods are good at stabilising blood glucose levels. Fermentable carbohydrates are an example as they release gut hormones that could reduce appetite and enhance insulin sensitivity, which could lead to improved blood glucose control and weight loss.

An easy way to reduce people’s risk

Nicola Guess said: “By investigating how appetite and blood glucose levels are regulated in people at high risk of Type 2 diabetes, it is hoped that we can find a way to prevent its onset. If successful, this study will be able to determine whether fermentable carbohydrates could provide the public with an effective and affordable health intervention to reduce an individual’s risk of developing diabetes.”

Dr Iain Frame, Director of Research at Diabetes UK, said: “Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90 per cent of all those diagnosed with diabetes and, if left untreated, can lead to serious health complications including heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and amputation.

“It is vital that more is done in the area of diabetes prevention to ensure people are less likely to face a future of ill health. It is unlikely that any single measure used on its own will bring about improved prevention of Type 2 diabetes, but we are constantly increasing our knowledge through research to provide people at high risk with an armoury of approaches that will help them choose what is most suitable for them. It’s hoped that the research being funded at Imperial College will help by aiming to develop an easy and affordable way to help people to reduce their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and managing their blood glucose levels.”

Source: Diabetes UK

Drink Water to Curb Weight Gain? Clinical Trial Confirms Effectiveness of Simple Appetite Control Method

ScienceDaily (Aug. 23, 2010) — Has the long-sought magic potion in society’s “battle with the bulge” finally arrived? An appetite-control agent that requires no prescription, has no common side effects, and costs almost nothing? Scientists report results of a new clinical trial confirming that just two 8-ounce glasses of the stuff, taken before meals, enables people to shed pounds. The weight-loss elixir, they told the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), is ordinary water.
“We are presenting results of the first randomized controlled intervention trial demonstrating that increased water consumption is an effective weight loss strategy,” said Brenda Davy, Ph.D., senior author on the study. “We found in earlier studies that middle aged and older people who drank two cups of water right before eating a meal ate between 75 and 90 fewer calories during that meal. In this recent study, we found that over the course of 12 weeks, dieters who drank water before meals, three times per day, lost about 5 pounds more than dieters who did not increase their water intake.”

“People should drink more water and less sugary, high-calorie drinks. It’s a simple way to facilitate weight management.”

Davy pointed out that folklore and everyday experience long have suggested that water can help promote weight loss. But there has been surprisingly little scientific information on the topic. Previous studies hinted that drinking water before meals reduces intake of calories. Lacking until now, however, has been the “gold-standard” evidence from a randomized, controlled clinical trial that compares weight loss among dieters who drink water before meals with those who do not.

The study included 48 adults aged 55-75 years, divided into two groups. One group drank 2 cups of water prior to their meals and the other did not. All of the subjects ate a low-calorie diet during the study. Over the course of 12 weeks, water drinkers lost about 15.5 pounds, while the non-water drinkers lost about 11 pounds.

Davy said water may be so effective simply because it fills up the stomach with a substance that has zero calories. People feel fuller as a result, and eat less calorie-containing food during the meal. Increased water consumption may also help people lose weight if they drink it in place of sweetened calorie-containing beverages, said Davy, who is with Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va.

Diet soda pop and other beverages with artificial sweeteners may also help people reduce their calorie intake and lose weight, Davy said. However, she advised against using beverages sweetened with sugar and high-fructose corn syrup because they are high in calories. A 12-ounce can of regular soda pop, for instance, contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar.

Davy noted that that nobody knows exactly how much water people should drink daily. The Institute of Medicine, an agency of The National Academies, which advises the Federal Government on science, says that most healthy people can simply let thirst be their guide. It does not specify exact requirements for water, but set general recommendations for women at about 9 cups of fluids — from all beverages including water — each day, and men at about 13 cups of fluids.

And it is possible to drink too much water, a situation that can lead to a rare, but serious, condition known as water intoxication, Davy pointed out.

Drink, Drink and be slimmer

Drinking two glasses of water before each meal may help you lose weight, according to a new study presented Monday at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston.

Obese dieters who drank two 80z glasses of water

DrInk two 8-ounce glasses of water before meals

before breakfast, lunch and dinner lost five pounds more than dieters who didn’t increase their water intake. Those who drank more water also kept more of the weight off after a year, said Brenda Davy, an associate professor at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg.

The study included only middle aged and older adults between the ages of 55 and 75 who were on diet – 1,200 calories per day for women and 1,500 calories per day for men. Half of the people were told to drink 16 ounces of water before every meal. After three months, the dieters who drank water had lost an average of about 15.5 pounds, while those who didn’t lost just 11 pounds.

It’s a popular anecdote that drinking more water will help you lose weight. Davy’s study is the first randomized controlled trial to test

Dr Davy, from Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, said water may be so effective simply because it fills the stomach up with a liquid that has no calories.

Research published today in the British Medical Journal claims eating more green leafy vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

The authors, led by Patrice Carter at the University of Leicester, reviewed six studies, involving over 220,000 people, that focused on the links between fruit and vegetable consumption and Type 2 diabetes.

They found that eating one and a half extra servings of green leafy vegetables a day reduces the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 14 per cent.

Link between green leafy vegetables and diabetes

“We already know that the health benefits of eating vegetables are far-reaching, but this is the first time that there has been a suggested link specifically between green, leafy vegetables and a reduced risk of developing Type 2 diabetes,” said Dr Iain Frame, Director of Research at Diabetes UK. “However, because of the relatively limited number of studies collated in this analysis it is too early to isolate green leafy vegetables and present them alone as a method to reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.”

The researchers say there is a need for further investigation into the potential benefits of green leafy vegetables

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Acne Treatment Methods

2010-08-23 / Health News / No Comment

Effective methods to treat acne brought together in one single eBook, which is currently being offered by a website called Total Acne Treatments.

Total Acne Treatment is a newly launched website that features an eBook to provide the solution to people’s acne problems. Such an eBook is written by someone who actually has gone through experiencing having acne. The person behind this website and the eBook scoured the market including the internet for possible acne solutions, and found out that many solutions available are actually non-effective. Eventually, the author of the eBook has finally found acne treatments that actually worked. Through this eBook, the owner of the website is attaining the goal of sharing the information to people all around the world, to help them cure acne, and avoid the methods that do not work.

The eBook featured in this website contains valuable information regarding acne treatment. Its author has spent valuable time and energy in compiling the vast information gathered, in the quest for finding the best acne treatments that did not involve anything unnatural. In other words, people can expect the methods contained in this book to be all natural and effective. All one needs to do is actually select on the various acne treatment methods found on the eBook, and make use of it. It does not say that everything found in it should be done.

This eBook, which is said to contain the data for natural acne treatments, can be purchased through this website. All one needs to do is click on the “Order Now” button to proceed to the payment screen. A person can choose to pay for the eBook through PayPal or any of his major credit cards. The developers of the website have made sure to make it a hundred percent secure; therefore, people will have the assurance that it is safe in proceeding with the purchase through this page.

Want a clear and healthy skin?

( – India (August, 2010) – Acne is a skin problem that affects many people across the globe. Acne Free in 3 days is a boon for all those people who are sick and tired of trying out different ways for acne cure. Though there are plenty of medicines and creams available for curing this skin problem but none of them offer

complete solution. This e-book on the other hand is a holistic way for getting rid of pimples permanently.

Developed by Chris Gibson, this acne treatment is fairly simple to follow. Once you use this amazing e-book you won’t have to make those costly and time consuming visits to dermatologists. This e-book tells you how to stop this skin condition from the very root so that it does not reoccur.

After reading Chris’s wonderful book you will also get to know about acne scar skin care. He tells you about different methods and products which can lessen and even remove scarring. This e-book is not meant just for teenagers suffering from this skin infection but for everyone. Whether its pimple, zits, blackheads or whiteheads, this spectacular book can help you get rid of all of them. Chris Gibson had himself suffered from this skin infectivity that’s why he can completely relate with people who suffer from this skin condition.

The best part about this e-book is that the methods which it proposes are cent-percent safe for your skin. You don’t have to worry about any kind of side effects. All you will get is healthy rejuvenated skin free of pimples and zits. If in a rare chance this program does not brings in fruitful results for your skin then Chris Gibson will be more than happy to refund your money. This offer is valid for sixty days. Chris’s book is so good, I am sure you won’t have to use this option. Acne Free in 3 days without any doubt is the best acne treatment available in the market. If you want a clean and clear skin then buy this e-book right away. It will definitely help you like it has helped Chris Gibson and many others.

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Heart Diseases Studies and News

2010-08-19 / Health News / No Comment

Red meat could increase risk of heart disease in women

Substituting healthy proteins for red and processed meats might help women cut their risk for heart disease.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found women who had two daily servings of red meat had a 30-percent higher risk of developing coronary heart disease than those who only had half a serving per day.

Women who substituted poultry for one serving of red meat lowered their risk of heart disease by 19-percent.

Women who ate fish or nuts instead of meat fared even better — decreasing their risk by as much as a third.

For more Rochester, N.Y. news go to our website

IBM launches cardiovascular disease management system in China

(Reuters) – International Business Machines Corp (IBM) on Thursday announced the launch of China’s first all-in-one electronic cardiogram management system aimed at improving the detection and management of cardiovascular diseases.

IBM said it had teamed up with Chinese electronic cardiogram systems provider Beijing Goodwill Information and Technology Co Ltd to launch the system, which is designed to help hospitals analyze patient information from electrocardiography (ECG) examination reports to better detect cardiovascular diseases.

The system, software-compliant with the data format of all other ECG systems and international medical standards, would also enabled doctors to monitor heart patients with mobile devices, IBM said.

The company said it had set up a laboratory in Beijing to meet growing demand for information technology-enabled healthcare solutions in China.

Heart disease, strokes and diabetes could cost China $558 billion in national income between 2006 and 2015, according to World Health Organisation estimates.

Last month, IBM said it would invest $100 million over the next three years in a research initiative with a focus on China as Beijing embarks on a multibillion-dollar plan to upgrade its healthcare system.

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Wellness Today

2010-08-18 / Health News / No Comment

Workplace wellness plan saves money over the long-term, new study shows

A University of Michigan study of workplace wellness programs is one of the only longitudinal studies of its kind, said co-author Louis Yen, associate research scientist in the School of Kinesiology’s Health Management Research Center.

Over the nine years, the utility company spent $7.3 million for the program and showed $12.1 million in savings associated with participation. Medical and pharmacy costs, time off and worker’s compensation factored into the savings, said Alyssa Schultz, research area specialist intermediate.

The findings are good news for companies looking to implement wellness programs, said Dee Edington, director of the U-M Health Management Research Center and principal investigator.

“One of the advantages of the study is it shows that a sustainable program will give you savings,” said Edington, also a professor in the School of Kinesiology and a research scientist in the U-M School of Public Health. “Previous studies looked at programs that are short and intense and cover the same people.”

The U-M study differed in three important ways. First, it shows that wellness programs work long-term, even though the employees who participated aged during the study. Second, the study took into account all bottom line costs for implementing the wellness plan. For instance, indirect costs such as recruitment and costs for changing menus. Most studies include just the direct costs to the company for paying for employees who participate. But even using the very conservative U-M figures showed a cost savings, Yen said.

A third difference is that it looked at lost work time as well as pharmacy and medical costs, Schultz said. The employees who participated in all years saw those costs had increased by$96; those who participated in some of the years rose $230; and costs for those who never participated jumped by $355. The program cost $100 per year per employee whether the employee participated or not. Therefore, a participation-related savings of $257 and $125 was calculated for the employees who participated in all years and those who participated in just some years.

Slowly, companies are realizing that while insurance plans must care for sick employees, those plans must also include wellness plans to keep healthy workers healthy, Edington said.

“It’s still a large company activity, but the growth (in wellness plans) is in the medium-sized companies,” Edington said.

So what should a company do when looking for a benefit plan for employees?

“You want a benefit plan that will take care of your sick people but also keep your healthy people healthy and working,” Edington said.

Provided by University of Michigan

Wellness Wednesdays offer medical forum for community

FOREST n The second Wednesday of each month, Lackey Memorial Hospital hosts “Wellness Wednesday,” a lunch-n-learn setting where medical specialists discuss ailments affecting the citizens of the community.

During last week’s luncheon, Dr. William Lawrence of Rankin Orthopedic Specialists in Brandon, who also sees patients in Forest as part of the hospital’s out patient program, spoke about arthritic pain relief, modern surgical options and treatment for arthritic knees and hips, during this months meeting.

Dr. Lawrence said arthritis is the number one cause of disability and affects approximately 40 million Americans or one in seven people, normally occurring in people after the age of 45 and affecting more women than men.

There are various treatment options available to assist patients who suffer from

arthritis, Dr. Lawrence said.

“It is up to the patient when to decide that they have had enough and want to pursue some sort of replacement surgery for their ailing joint,” Dr. Lawrence said. However, there are many drug therapies Dr. Lawrence said he recommends prior to operating.

“The overall goal is to approve the quality of life,” Dr. Lawrence said.

Since the program’s inception in October of 2007, the luncheon’s attendance has continued to grow and reached a all-time high during this month’s meeting held last week, with approximately 85 people in attendance.

“We began hosting these events on the second Wednesday of each month in the meeting room of Holiday Inn Express, but soon the room was full with no room to expand,” Charlotte Englund, an of the event coordinator’s for the hospital, said. “One of our attendees suggested we talk with Barbara Gatewood about moving our Wellness Wednesday event to her Gallery, and attendance has grown ever since.”

Englund said purpose of the event was first that Lackey Memorial is a corporate citizen of Scott County, and the hospital wanted to “give back” to the community in a meaningful way.

“It was decided there could be no better way to reinvest in the community than to contribute to the health and wellness of area citizens,” Englund said. “Thus, the idea was born to host physician and nurse practitioner speakers in a Lunch ‘n Learn setting to address topics that relate to the major diseases affecting families in Mississippi. We discuss early symptoms, measures of prevention, treatment, and if indicated, surgical options.”

Englund said the platform of the luncheons is also beneficial in that citizens are made aware of services and physician specialists available in Forest as they are recruited. In the Wellness Wednesday setting, the participants listen to the doctor’s presentation and then are able to ask personal questions about the topic.

“It is an extremely beneficial, informal exchange,” Englund said. “So many times attendees express surprise and delight that they no longer have to travel to Jackson or Meridian to see specialists in such areas as Cardiology, Urology, Orthopedics, ENT, Pain Management and other specialty doctors. Thanks to a very active physician recruitment program led by hospital administrator, Donna Riser, this community is blessed to have high quality primary and specialty care physicians far beyond the capabilities of many rural communities.”

Through Wellness Wednesday, community citizens also enjoy the advantage of meeting the doctor or nurse practitioner in advance of making an appointment, Englund said. As well, they are able to meet the hospital personnel they will be working with through the Out Patient Department or other areas… again, well before they might visit the doctor or Lackey Memorial as a patient. Thus, they can feel more comfortable knowing who to call and what services are available whenever the need arises.

“Separately, we can make health and wellness programs available to Business, Industry and Church groups through Coffee Chats or by providing a speaker at a covered dish supper event,” Englund said. “Again, it is our goal to give back to the community through one of the most important gifts, better health and wellness for a positive and productive future in Scott County.”

Wellness Wednesdays are held at 12 noon at The B. Gatewood Studio in downtown Forest. Adult citizens are invited to attend the free

Lunch ‘n Learn program.

“Wellness Wednesday is hosted on the second Wednesday of each month and is publicized with an advertisement in the The Scott County Times,” Englund said. “We ask that respondents RSVP as early as possible as seating and food arrangements must be made early in that we continue to grow. It’s all good news…we just want to be prepared so the persons who can most benefit from the topic are comfortable and gain from this experience. If a citizen sees a topic that is pertinent to himself, a neighbor or family member, we urge them to be one of the first to call as seating is confirmed on a first responder/first reserved basis.”

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Depression and Mental Health News

2010-08-17 / Health News / No Comment

Fish oil may curb depression among teen boys

Eating more oily fish like sardines, salmon and yellowtail could help teenage boys feel less blue, suggests a new Japanese study.

The same does not appear to hold for teen girls, however.

Omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA, are found predominantly in oily fish. Because these nutrients are thought to play a role in brain function, many researchers have wondered whether increased consumption could lower the risk of depression. But studies of such an association among adults have yielded inconclusive results.

Until now, investigators had yet to look for the potential link in youth, a population also prone to the debilitating problem. So Kentaro Murakami of the University of Tokyo and colleagues analyzed the diets and rates of depression in more than 6,500 Japanese junior high school students between the ages of 12 and 15.

Overall, 23 percent of the boys and 31 percent of the girls suffered from symptoms of depression, including feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and sleep disturbances, they report in the journal Pediatrics.

Based on questionnaires of food intake, and adjusting for factors including age and parents’ education level, the investigators found that boys who ate the most fish — the top fifth based on total consumption — had a 27 percent lower odds of being depressed compared to those ranked in the bottom fifth.

Similar differences were seen when looking specifically at the EPA and DHA content of the fish consumed.

Meanwhile, no effect of fish oil on depression was seen among the girls.

The investigators admit that the differing effect of fish oil between boys and girls is difficult to explain, although they point to a few possibilities such as a stronger genetic role for depression in women compared to men.

They also caution that their findings do not provide enough evidence to determine if fish oil actually lowers the risk of depression. It might be, for example, that those who are depressed eat less fish.

Although more research is needed to confirm a cause-and-effect link, the researchers conclude that boosting the intake of fish, EPA and DHA “may be an important strategy for the prevention of depression.”

Sadie Frost Writes About Her Postpartum Depression In Memoir

Sadie Frost tells all about her postpartum depression while married to Jude Law in her memoir Crazy Days. The actress/fashion designer says she started spiraling out of control during her pregnancy with their first child, Rafferty, in 1996.

Things got worse when she was alone at home one night with the baby. She writes:

Eventually I wanted to press the self-destruct button. One night I arranged a babysitter and went out. I partied all night and got home the next day racked with guilt.

I was sitting at my dressing table, not feeling anything – just numb. I watched my hand slowly pick up a pair of scissors. It was as if I was being sucked down lower into the chair and the scissors seemed to be drawn to my arm. I appeared to have cut myself. Blood dripped down my arm. There was no sense of panic within me – I just felt empty.”

Her condition came back after the birth of the couple’s second child, Iris, in 2000. Eventually, their marriage couldn’t stand the emotional strain and the two divorced in 2003.

Law hasn’t been very happy with the memoir, set to be released in September. In July he took legal action and attempted to block his ex-wife from publishing images of their children. Frost reportedly agreed and removed the images and select passages that Law had issues with.

The former couple have three children together, Raffery, 13, Iris, 9, and Rudy, 7. Frost also has a 19-year-old son named Finlay with Spandau Ballet’s Gary Kemp. She met Law while she was still married to him.

Skin condition linked to depression

A new study has found that individuals with psoriasis, a common immune-mediated skin disease, have an increased risk of depression, anxiety and suicidality.

Shanu Kohli Kurd, and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, studied data from electronic medical records in the United Kingdom from 1987 to 2002.

The analyses included 146,042 patients with mild psoriasis, 3,956 patients with severe psoriasis and 766,950 patients without psoriasis (five control patients for each patient with psoriasis, selected from the same practice and similar entry dates).

“Stated another way, the excess risk attributable to psoriasis is one case of depression for every 39 patients with severe psoriasis per year (or per 87 patients in patients with mild psoriasis per year),” the authors write.

“The excess risks associated with psoriasis for anxiety and suicidality correspond to one case per 123 and 2,500 patients with psoriasis per year, respectively.”

Considering this data and the prevalence of psoriasis in the U.K., the authors estimate that there are more than 10,400 diagnoses of depression, 7,100 of anxiety and 350 of suicidality related to psoriasis each year.

The report has been published in the August issue of Archives of Dermatology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

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Arthritis Treatment News

2010-08-16 / Health News / No Comment

Exercises for arthritis

Experts claim that people with arthritis who exercise have less pain, more energy, improved sleep, and better day-to-day function. Still, they tend to avoid exercising. “People with arthritis avoid exercise for a number of reasons,” explained Donna Everix of the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals.

“Some avoid it due to fear of pain or injury, and others avoid if for the same reason many people without arthritis do – not wanting to make a lifestyle change.”

Inactivity, in addition to arthritisrelated problems, can result in a variety of health risks, including Type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In addition, decreased pain tolerance, weak muscles, stiff joints and poor balance common to many forms of arthritis can be made worse by inactivity.

Following are the four types of exercises that can have a positive effect on reducing pain related to arthritis and other rheumatic diseases:

Flexibility exercises help to maintain or improve the flexibility in affected joints and surrounding muscles. Benefits include better posture, reduced risk of injuries and improved function. When focusing on flexibility exercises, range of motion exercises should be performed five to 10 times on a daily basis while stretching exercises can be performed at least three days a week with each stretch being held for 30 seconds.

Strengthening exercises are designed to work muscles. Strong muscles improve function and help to reduce bone loss related to inactivity. For people with arthritis, one set of eight to 10 exercises for the major muscle groups of the body two to three times a week is recommended. However, older individuals may find that 10-15 repetitions with less resistance are more effective. The resistance or weight should challenge the muscles without increasing joint pain.

Aerobic exercises include activities that use the large muscles of the body in a repetitive and rhythmic manner. Aerobic exercise improves heart, lung and muscle function. For people with arthritis, this type of exercise has benefits for weight control, mood, sleep and general health. Safe forms of aerobic exercise include walking, aerobic dance, aquatic exercise, bicycling or exercising on equipment such as stationary bikes, treadmills or elliptical trainers. Current recommendations for aerobic activity are 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a week, preferably spread out over several days.

Body awareness
Body awareness exercises include activities to improve posture, balance, joint position sense, coordination and relaxation. Tai chi and yoga are examples of recreational exercises that incorporate elements of body awareness and can be a very useful part of an arthritis exercise plan.

Phil Mickelson reveals he has arthritis

Phil Mickelson revealed Tuesday he has psoriatic arthritis, which causes his immune system to attack his joints and tendons and produced such intense pain he couldn’t walk.

He noticed the first symptoms five days before the U.S. Open, and the pain eventually got so bad he made a visit to the Mayo Clinic.

Weekly shots have brought the disease under control, and Mickelson said there shouldn’t be any negative impact on his health.

“I’m surprised at how quickly it’s gone away, and how quickly it’s been able to be managed and controlled,” he said. “I feel 100%, like I say. But when I’m laying there on the couch and I can’t move, you know, yeah, I had some concerns. But I feel a lot better now.”

The arthritis is the latest health scare for Mickelson’s family. His wife, Amy, and mother are both battling breast cancer; the long-term prognosis for both is good.

More golf: Jaclyn Sweeney of Andover, Mass., shot her second three-under 69 to finish in a tie for medalist with Rachel Rohanna of Waynesburg, Pa., and Erynne Lee of Silverdale, Wash., after two rounds of stroke play at the U.S. Women’s Amateur Championship in Charlotte, N.C. The top 64 players advanced to match play beginning today.

Soccer: Neymar scored in his national team debut, Alexandre Pato added a goal late in the first half and Brazil rolled over the U.S., 2-0, in an exhibition at East Rutherford, N.J. It was the first match for both nations since the World Cup.

NHL: The New Jersey Devils are working on another deal to sign Ilya Kovalchuk. Less than 24 hours after an arbitrator ruled that the NHL acted correctly in voiding Kovalchuk’s landmark $102-million contract with New Jersey, team president and general manager Lou Lamoriello said the Devils will continue working to re-sign the high-scoring Russian.

Track and field: Jamaican star Usain Bolt is taking the rest of the season off because of tightness in his lower back, his manager, Ricky Simms, said. The announcement comes less than a week after Bolt lost to American rival Tyson Gay in the 100 meters at Stockholm. Bolt owns world records in the 100 and 200.

Cycling: Lance Armstrong pulled out of the Leadville Trail 100 mountain bike race in Colorado, a high-altitude race he won in record time (6 hours, 28 minutes, 50 seconds) last year. Armstrong spokesman Mark Higgins said that the cyclist is still feeling lingering effects of a hip injury suffered in a crash early in the Tour de France last month. Saturday’s race starts 10,500 feet and climbs 2,000 more.

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Cancer Today

2010-08-13 / Health News / No Comment

Breast cancer mortality rate down by 27%

THE NUMBER of people dying from breast cancer in Ireland has fallen since the 1980s, but mortality rates from the disease are still the second highest in Europe, new research shows.

The study of 30 countries by French researchers showed the Irish rate dropped by about a quarters as a result of better screening, the availability of new treatments and speedier diagnosis.

Breast cancer mortality fell by almost 27 per cent in Ireland between 1989 and 2006, with the decrease beginning in 1991, according to the study in the British Medical Journal .

Changes in breast cancer mortality ranged from a 45 per cent decline in Iceland to a 17 per cent increase in Romania, the scientists led by Philippe Autier from the International Prevention Research Institute in France.

In France, Finland and Sweden, mortality decreased by 11 per cent, 12 per cent and 16 per cent respectively.

Overall, the breast cancer mortality rate across the 30 European countries fell by a fifth to 24 in 100,000 deaths, with the reduction tending to be greater in countries with a higher mortality in 1987-1989.

The study, which examined World Health Organisation data, found Spain to have the lowest rate at 18.9 in 100,000 deaths.

Tony O’Brien, interim director of the HSE’s National Cancer Control Programme, said that the statistics provided justification for the major organisation of cancer control under way in Ireland since 2007.

He said that the data, which was analysed up until 2006, was from a time when Ireland was making progress but not as rapidly as other countries as the organisation of services was not done as effectively as it could have been.

Women being diagnosed with breast cancer now can be assured that they are being treated in systems equal to those of the best in Europe.

“They will have the same survival rates as people in other European countries,” Mr O’Brien said.

He added that the National Breast Screening Programme had the potential to make a significant contribution to lowering mortality rates in the State. “I am confident Ireland will be at the top of the league table at the next round of statistics.”

The Irish Cancer Society has welcomed the decrease in mortality rates, saying breast cancer has the best survival rate of any cancer in Ireland.

To further reduce the mortality rate, it was necessary to ensure women were taking up invitations for free mammograms to help detect cancer at early stages, a spokeswoman said.

She said a reason for Ireland having a higher mortality rate than Britain in 2006 was possibly because the free breast-screening programme was only being implemented at the time and was not fully in place until 2009. The spokeswoman added that the programme’s introduction and advanced treatments had reduced the mortality rate.

According to CSO data, 739 women died from breast cancer in 2008, while 2,838 new cases were diagnosed.


‘Electronic nose’ detects type of cancer through patient’s breath

A device that can detect if one has cancer or not through his or her breath alone can now also detect the type of cancer the patient has, according to scientists who developed the breath test.

Preliminary results of the trial of the breath test device on 177 volunteers showed it can identify if a patient had lung, breast, bowel or prostate cancer.

The study on the breath test device conducted at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel was published in the British Journal of Cancer. Technion’s Professor Abraham Kuten co-authored the study.

The device is a sensor that uses gold nanoparticles to detect chemicals emitted by cells in people with growing cancer. The chemicals are present in the breath.

The sensor could be helpful in the early detection of cancer or before a tumour becomes visible in X-rays.

“If we can confirm these initial results in large-scale studies, this new technology could become a simple tool for early diagnosis of cancer along with imaging. It could also be an easy way to assess and monitor the effectiveness of cancer treatment and detect relapses earlier,” Kuten was quoted as saying by

Salmonella can kill cancer cells

When the food poisoning bacteria was injected into melanoma tumours in mice, the injected tumours – and those in other parts of the body – shrank.

According to the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, the presence of the bad bacteria signalled to the body to attack like cells, including the cancerous ones infected with salmonella.

“We now have a ‘gun’ to kill specifically tumour cells,” said lead study author Maria Rescigno, in medical journal Science Translational Medicine. “We are inducing an immune response to that ‘fingerprint’ which is specific for the tumour.”

Dr Rescigno’s team successfully vaccinated the mice against melanoma by using the salmonella, and the hope is to use the technology to develop a similar vaccine for humans.

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Diabetes America News

2010-08-12 / Health News / No Comment

Easy way for people to assess their diabetes risk

An easy way for people to assess their risk of having diabetes has been developed by a team from the University of Leicester.

Working in partnership with Diabetes UK, the largest diabetes charity in the country, and University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, they have produced the first diabetes risk assessment that can be used in a multi-ethnic population.

The Diabetes Risk Score uses 7 questions to identify how high a risk someone is of getting diabetes.

These are age, ethnicity, sex, family history of diabetes, waist size, body mass index and any history or treatment for high blood pressure.

Answering these does not tell someone whether they have diabetes, just what their risk of having it is. Their GP needs to be seen to provide a firm diagnosis.

Professor Melanie Davies, HonoraryConsultant Physician in Diabetes at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, said: “There are an estimated 2.6m people in England with diabetes with 500,000 of them not diagnosed. The impact of diabetes on individuals and their families can be profound. The costs to the NHS are also significant with diabetes prescriptions alone costing £500m a year. I, and my team, are proud that the Diabetes Risk Score will enable people to quickly and easily find out what their chance of having diabetes is and take action accordingly. The earlier diabetes is diagnosed the earlier effective treatment can start.”

Brain surgery may help against diabetes

A small study of 10 patients by Allegheny General Hospital physicians led by neurosurgeon Peter Jannetta suggests that a type of brain surgery can lead to significant improvement against the onset and progression of type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease marked by high levels of glucose, or sugar, in the blood. Uncontrolled by medical intervention, it can lead to serious cardiovascular, vision and renal problems, amputations related to circulation problems, and even death.

The study about the effects of surgery to decompress an artery pressing on a section of the brain called the medulla oblongata was published today in the journal Surgical Neurology International. Lead author was Dr. Jannetta, who is known for his work developing the surgery, called microvascular decompression, which is used for such debilitating cranial nerve diseases as vertigo and spasmodic torticollis, a movement disorder. In the surgery, the compressive artery is repositioned and a protective pad is placed between it and the nerve.

The medulla oblongata is responsible for, among other things, function of the pancreas, which is involved in the production of insulin. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by a resistance to insulin, which helps the body effectively use glucose for energy.

Dr. Jannetta noted that an earlier group of his patients had both type 2 diabetes and what was considered unrelated cranial nerve disease. They were given the surgery to relieve arterial compression in the medulla oblongata. In enrolling type 2 diabetes patients for the latest study, he hypothesized that the nerve compression affected the pancreas and surgery could mitigate the disease.

The new study’s 10 patients had both steadily progressive type 2 diabetes and medullary compression, which had been detected through MRI scans. They underwent microvascular decompression and were followed for a year, during which time they were not permitted to make any changes in diet, weight or activity.

Seven of the 10 showed significant improvement in their glucose control, demonstrated by measurement of diabetes markers and decreased medication dosages. One patient went off medication altogether.

The three who did not improve had higher body mass indexes, falling into the obese category. The other seven had BMIs in the overweight class.

A further, much larger study now is needed to corroborate the findings, Dr. Jannetta said in an AGH news release.

Get involved to help stop diabetes

(ARA) – This fall, thousands of people nationwide will join the movement to Stop Diabetes as they walk in the American Diabetes Association’s Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes. Rain or shine, walkers will join together to change the future of this growing epidemic that is taking a devastating physical, emotional and financial toll on our country.

Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes is the Association’s signature fundraising walk event. With strong support from the business community including sponsorship and corporate teams, this event raises more than $18 million to support the Association’s mission: to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.

People with diabetes can choose to walk as a Red Strider. A Red Strider is someone who has diabetes – type 1, type 2 or gestational – who can proudly walk as an individual or create a team and walk with friends, family and co-workers. The purpose of the Red Strider program is to support everyone who lives with diabetes and showcase the courage it takes to live with this serious disease.

Christine Schaeberle is one of the many walkers who will join the movement to Stop Diabetes and step out as a Red Strider this year. Red Striders are distinguished at Step Out events by wearing a red hat. “On the day of Step Out, it is very important to recognize all the people with diabetes,” says Schaeberle. “By wearing the red hats, we are able to do that.”

Schaeberle is the founder of the Red Strider program and launched the first Red Strider program in Colorado. The program has since gone national.

“The Red Strider program opened our eyes to how many people have diabetes. It also made us realize how important it is for us to recognize them and how we need to raise money to cure this disease,” says Schaeberle. “On walk day, I felt particularly supported as I was able to recognize other people with diabetes. All the walkers encouraged us to keep fighting this challenging disease.”

Reasons why you should Step Out and walk to stop diabetes:

* By walking in a Step Out event in your area, you are joining the American Diabetes Association’s movement to Stop Diabetes and helping to change the future of diabetes.

* You are showing support for the nearly 24 million children and adults in the U.S with diabetes and the millions more at risk. Most people are either affected by diabetes or know someone who is affected.

* There is no fundraising minimum, although it is strongly encouraged to raise funds and awareness to support the American Diabetes Association and its mission. As a reward, incentives are given to walkers for varying levels of fundraising.

* Routes are for everyone regardless of age or athletic ability. They range from two to six miles.

* The day of the event is a party to celebrate the accomplishments of all the teams and individual participants as well as an opportunity to promote awareness about diabetes and the American Diabetes Association.

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