Skin Care News
Natural Oily Skin Facial Recipes
With the hot months just around the corner it’s time to update our skin care routine to the needs of our complexion. These natural facial recipes for oily skin will help you eliminate the sebum excess from your pores. Revitalize your skin by using the most efficient green ingredients professional beauticians also include in their secret potions.
Unclogging your pores with special treatments is one of the quick fixes to rule out the chance of any skin problems. Using similar natural oily skin facial recipes will provide you with the best remedy to eliminate the dirt and other free agents from the surface as well as depth of your complexion. Rookies in green skin care will definitely find the visible positive results of these rituals simply thrilling. Those who managed to pile up a multitude of soothing homemade facial recipes will have the opportunity to complete their personal collection with additional treatments.
People who struggle with an oily complexion know how important it is to keep dust and chemicals at a fair distance from their pores. Using skin-friendly ingredients loaded with vitamins will furnish their skin with the necessary protection to stay acne-free. These are some of the recipes you should experiment with next time you feel the need of a soothing beauty session.
Orange and Grapefruit Facial
These common ingredients can be easily purchased at the local store or market. Peel the fresh fruits and use a medium bowl in which you can crush the slices. Additionally add 2 tbs of honey to ease the application of the paste.
After you obtained the ideal texture all you have to do is apply the facial on your skin. Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes and finish up your skin care ritual by rinsing off the paste leaving your complexion fabulously revitalized.
Watermelon Facial
This delicious fruit is also used to create soothing facials for your oily complexion. In this case all you have to do is cut a few thin slices of watermelon and crush them in a bowl. Add 2 tsp of honey to make the mixture more solid and applicable.
Cleanse your skin from dirt and sebum excess and apply the mask carefully. Leave out all the delicate spots as the area around your eyes. Leave the facial on for 30 minutes. The watermelon juice will do miracles with your pores. Finally wash it off with lukewarm water.
Cheese Facial
Dairy products when used as ingredients in different facial recipes will show you their natural astringent quality. Cleanse your oily complexion with this calming and nutritive cheese mask. In order to create the facial mix 1 tbs of cottage cheese with 1 tbs of honey. Additionally you can add also 1 tbs of mashed strawberries and 2 tbs of milk. The creamy texture allows the textbook style application of the mask. Cover the critical sections and leave on the treatment for at least 10 minutes. Afterwards you can rinse off the paste with tepid water.
Carrots and Honey Facial
Vitamin C and A are some of the nutrients our skin needs to stay super-healthy and pimple-free. If you don’t get the right amount of these elements it is high time to provide your complexion with soothing facials that include these ingredients. The following carrots and honey facial will furnish your skin cells with the necessary amino acids and minerals. First cook 2-3 carrots and crush them in a medium bowl. Add 2 tbs of honey to make the paste more solid. Apply the mixture on your skin and leave the mask on for at least 10 minutes. Give some time to ingredients to exercise their revitalizing effect, then you can wash the paste off with lukewarm water.
TRIA Beauty raises $21 million from Morgan Stanley and Silicon Valley Bank
TRIA Beauty, a maker of skincare devices, has raised an additional $21 million in debt and equity financing from Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners and Silicon Valley Bank after raising $16 million last August.
The Dublin-based company now has $27 million in equity and $10 million in debt financing it plans to use for its light-based skincare products.
“We remain focused on fulfilling our promise to consumers that TRIA will continue to bring innovative skincare treatments out of the doctor’s office and into the home,” said Kevin Appelbaum, CEO of TRIA Beauty.
TRIA makes the only FDA-cleared hair removal laser available for home-use and last year introduced the Skin Clarifying System, which uses lasers and cleansers to treat acne.
“We are delighted to be bringing the resources of Morgan Stanley AIP to helping Kevin and his team as they continue to deliver great products at great value to customers around the world,” said Jamey Sperans, Manager Director, Morgan Stanley.
The company also put two new members on its board of directors: Mike Valentino, former president and CEO of Xanodyne Pharmaceuticals, and Ed Unkart, former CFO of SurgRx Inc., Novacept and FemRx Inc.
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